Garnsey Partners is a Sydney CBD based firm of Chartered Accountants that provides advice and compliance and administrative services.
Our clients are typically individuals, family groups and corporations requiring income tax, business and financial advice. Whilst a core area of our business is providing advice to private clients (both Australian residents and expatriates), we also have experience and expertise in corporate accounting for private, unlisted public and smaller listed public companies, including overseas corporations with Australian resident subsidiaries.
Although we don’t limit our clients to specific occupations or professions, we do have a weighting of clients that operate as company executives, financial markets employees, airline pilots, lawyers, dentists, specialist medical practitioners and primary producers.
With accredited specialist expertise in Self-Managed Superannuation Fund advice and as ASIC approved SMSF auditors, superannuation advice and compliance is a core focus of the business. We administer a significant number of SMSFs and advise clients at all stages of the superannuation cycle, from establishment and initial contributions and accumulation through to pre-retirement and retirement including pension establishment and ongoing management.
We hold an Australian Financial Services Licence (AFSL) and provide financial advice to private clients, predominantly those classified as Wholesale Clients.
Garnsey Partners Pty Limited
AFSL License Number - 446874
Tax Practitioners Board - Tax Agent 13417009
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
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